I’ve had my own two back to to back births in the last 18 months and I can confirm this shit is magical and hard. Let’s connect, laugh, cry, vent, and drum up a plan to all get the community we need hugged around us as we take on parenting.
Dear Cardamom Talks Series Two: Cassie Donald
10 months
What does a day in the life of Cassie look like?
I’m a nanny and care for 2 boys, (2.5, and 5) and I get to bring Zander to work with me, so we usually work for a few hours during the day, we go for a walk on Alki everyday, and Mickey Mouse clubhouse is a must at least once during the day.
What stands out most about your birth experience? Positives//negatives?
I feel that I was really lucky with how well my labor went. I labored for 49 hours and labored and birthed all natural. It wasn’t my original plan but after we took a birthing class, I had decided i wanted to birth natural and am SO GLAD that I did. I spent a lot of my labor in the bath at home, and once I got to the hospital, my birthing suite had a tub-so that was the first place I headed. Positives were definitely my nurses, they were amazing. So attentive, calming, helpful, they listened to me which was so important to me.
What does motherhood mean to you?
Motherhood has become my everything, Zander changed my life so much and I am the happiest I have ever been. Being a mom means doing my best, trying my hardest, and loving the best that I can because this time is SO PRECIOUS and they grow up so fast.
What inspires you as a mom?
My son inspires me on a daily basis, as well as my family. I’ve learned a lot from other moms, and seeing how other people parent and handle situations is also inspiring because everyone is so different and we are all on this crazy ride.
Any advice on labor to expecting moms?
Listen to your body! This was the most important to me. And kept me in such a good mental state when laboring. And obviously hire a doula :)
(Photos By MayPhotos)
Dear Cardamom Talks Series One: Noelle Woche
Coast & Stellen
9 months old
What does a day in the life of Noelle look like?
(This is A weekday with just me taking care of them. On weekends daddy watches them and does this whole routine-minus the target and add in the watching sports and movies with them. )
My babies wake up in their crib, if they’re not already in my bed from the middle of the night wake up. They wake around 7, which is too early in my personal opinion, lol! Working on that! Then we go in the kitchen eat a banana or some fruit, usually listen to hip-hop, unless they’re already acting super feisty, than I make them listen to trip-hop. A little more chill for them. Then it’s time for a nap, and Mama needs another cup of coffee.
When they wake up, we go do something. Sometimes it’s Target, sometimes it’s the beach park we live by, sometimes a girlfriend comes over, sometimes nothing at all. Later we come home, eat dinner types of food (avocado toast, brown rice noodles, always something healthy for my babies).
Then after all that is done (this is all completely give or take because each day is so different, and I’m on their schedule) we start that bedtime routine. Bath, feeding, books. We do this around 7:00 PM and if I’m lucky, they’re both asleep by 9:00 PM. But that almost never happens. HA
What stands out most about your birth experience? Positives//negatives?
I had an amazing birth! I had to have a c section, but with so much positive energy and support it was amazing for me personally! And honestly, people give women such a hard time for having c-sections, but sometimes you have no choice, and that’s okay. Everyone’s experience is different.
What does motherhood mean to you?
It means sleepless nights in exchange for the deepest love you will ever feel. It means your life changing forever, and giving up a lot, but gaining SO much more in return.
What inspires you as a mom?
My mom is an incredibly strong individual and definitley an inspiration to me. And their daddy finds a way to make even the most mundane day fun. That is inspiring to me. Keeps me going. Also other cool moms are inspiring, always!
Any advice on labor to expecting moms?
Get lash extensions!! Haha no but really, I just wish I would’ve thought to get a doula earlier in my pregnancy. It would’ve been amazing to have one woman going through all the motions with me from day 1.
Self Care. Because Adult Tantrums are Real
I will just start out by saying that I am the emotional one of my family. Period. I texted my middle brother a few weeks ago, he’s busy doing his thing or whatever and I say, “Do you ever just cry for no reason?” He responded with, “What do you mean? No.” Ha. He's been dealing with my vague questions for 22 years but he basically got to talking about how he schedules his days down to his personal free time. Wise middle child, I know. Somehow I ended up a larger crybaby than both of my younger siblings.. No one faults me for it, they’re just not surprised when the stress boils over on to something small.
Anyway, after texting with Elijah, it became apparent that I needed to make some changes to my day-to-day. I started thinking and realized I had to make a deal to be a doula to myself for at least one hour a day. This meant scheduling a specific time to spend with myself doing something that was not Instagram scrolling, errand running or cleaning. It all seems like a no brainer because I work in a support role but it's easy to forget to support myself. As a young business owner, it’s even easier to grind through the days without resting. The struggle can be glamorous, right?
Well skipping out on myself is not an option anymore. I know this sounds dorky but I finally feel so good this week. I’ve found myself taking walks outside, getting lost in bookstores, and revisiting art galleries. It’s all so small but already that’s eight hours of clarity I prioritized. It’s hard to just sit down and flip through a magazine but I did and let me tell you, the latest issue of Nylon is great. My pointtt is that self-care is different for each person but for me, it’s simple and consistent. Like right now, I’m signing off to plant shop...alone. Romance :)
The Ultimate Graphic Tee: "Ovaries Project"
It’s no secret I have crazy respect for the fashion and art world so naturally when I saw this amazing uterus shirt, it had to be mine. The shirt is apart of the “Ovaries Project”, a collaboration between designer Delfina Balda and artist Patricia Iglesias that promotes the power of the female reproductive system. Both stand for empowering women, especially during their journey to motherhood.
The bold illustration speaks to me as a powerful symbol for health, femininity and expression. It really reminds me of the special community that comes along with being a doula and how connecting socially over creative expression, can fuel the passion. Anything that normalizes and highlights the beauty of birth, helps to defeat the weird notion our culture has created around birth being gross or hidden. I’m always going to be that person that votes for bellies out, nursing in public, and wearing a vagina shirt. HA!
If you find yourself questioning if a $70 tee is worth it, part of the proceeds go towards Circle of Health International- a nonprofit that provides maternal care to those in need, world wide.
Let's Talk About The Name: Dear Cardamom
So I have to say, so far the most difficult part of transitioning into self employment was choosing the name that represented the embodiment of me and the brand. A random afternoon months ago, a few close creative friends and I sat down and just started rhyming and cooing sounds/words together. Calling the business India Posner seemed pretentious and any obvious bump puns didn't quite click. We were honestly drawing blanks until we started thinking about ingredients, smells, foods, and colors that I associated with my personal vibe.
Cardamom immediately came to mind since it's such a unique ingredient used in the fragrance world and my diehard hobby of collecting niche fragrances has never been tamed. At the ripe age of six I smelled my first bottle and was so blown away by my immediate feels surrounding the simple Clinique Happy formula, that I’ve kept the addiction close. Anyway, cardamom is smooth/milky/minty/fresh all wrapped into one little pod and smells differently to everyone. Also a main ingredient in what I wear most these days- Santal 33. So it was decided, cardamom was going to be in the name.
I don’t fully remember how but I think I screamed when we finally added ‘dear’, Dear Cardamom suddenly became this subtle ode to my old self combined with who I always wanted to be. Not to mention ‘MOM’ happened to be worked in- witty pun, check. Deciding the name brought upon my first tear of joy and while I obviously don’t wear fragrance of any kind to a birth, keeping the name close keeps my fragrance love alive.